Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Ready to whip up a chicken salad that’s refreshingly crisp and satisfyingly flavorful, but not a fan of celery? You’ve landed on the perfect recipe! Our no-celery chicken salad focuses on crunch and zest without the traditional stalks. Whether you’re looking for a light lunch or a crowd-pleasing picnic dish, this recipe delivers big on taste with every bite. Keep reading to discover simple substitutions, the best chicken choices, and tips to make your chicken salad a standout. Let’s dive in and mix up something delicious!

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Table of Contents

Choosing the Best Chicken

The key to a standout chicken salad is the chicken itself. Your choice of chicken not only influences the texture but also the overall flavor of the salad. Here’s how to pick the best chicken for your no-celery chicken salad:

Types of Chicken to Use

Cooked Chicken Breast:

For a leaner option, chicken breast is ideal. Ensure it’s cooked to be moist and tender. You can either poach, grill, or bake the chicken breast. If you’re short on time, using rotisserie chicken is a convenient and flavorful shortcut.

Thigh Meat:

If you prefer your salad to have a richer taste, opt for thigh meat. It’s juicier and more flavorful. Like breast meat, it can be cooked in various ways. Thigh meat holds up well to stronger dressings and bold flavors.

Canned Chicken:

In a pinch, canned chicken can work too. It’s a quick and easy option, especially when you’re short on time. Just make sure to drain it well and give it a quick rinse to reduce the canned taste.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Preparation Tips


Whatever type of chicken you choose, seasoning is crucial. Before cooking, season the chicken with salt, pepper, and a hint of garlic powder to enhance its natural flavors.

Cooking Method:

Poaching is perfect for keeping the chicken moist. Simply cover your chicken with chicken stock or water, add some herbs and spices, and let it simmer gently until fully cooked. Alternatively, for added flavor, you can grill or roast the chicken with a light brushing of olive oil.

Quality Matters


Always opt for the freshest chicken available. Fresh chicken is less likely to dry out and has a better texture and flavor.

Organic and Free-Range:

If it’s within your budget, choosing organic and free-range chicken can make a difference in both taste and ethics. These chickens are generally raised with better diets and living conditions, contributing to a superior taste.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery Preparation of Ingredients

A great chicken salad is all about the harmony of flavors and textures. With celery off the table, other ingredients must step up to fill the crunch and zest. Here’s how to prepare the key components of your no-celery chicken salad:

Main Ingredients


Once you’ve chosen and cooked your chicken (as described in the previous section), let it cool. Then, dice or shred it into bite-sized pieces. This ensures that the chicken absorbs the dressing more effectively and mixes well with other ingredients.

Crunchy Add-Ins:

Replace the traditional crunch of celery with alternatives like diced apples, sliced grapes, or chopped nuts such as almonds or pecans. These ingredients not only add a fresh texture but also a sweet or earthy flavor that enhances the salad.


For a slight sharpness, include finely chopped red onions or scallions. If you find the flavor of raw onions too strong, soak them in cold water for about 10 minutes before adding them to the salad to mellow their intensity.


Fresh herbs can lift the entire dish. Consider dill, parsley, or chives for a burst of freshness. Chop them finely and mix them in generously.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Substitutions and Allergy-Friendly Options

  • Mayo Alternatives: If you’re avoiding mayonnaise, opt for Greek yogurt or avocado puree for creaminess. These substitutes not only work well texture-wise but also contribute additional health benefits like lower fat or higher protein.
  • Dairy-Free: For a dairy-free version, use vegan mayonnaise or a simple olive oil and vinegar dressing to bind the salad components.
  • Nuts-Free: If allergies are a concern, skip the nuts and opt for seeds like sunflower or pumpkin seeds for that needed crunch.

Dressing Preparation

  • Simple Mayo Dressing: Combine mayonnaise with lemon juice, a hint of mustard, salt, and pepper to taste. This basic dressing pairs well with the mild flavors of chicken and your crunchy add-ins.
  • Herb-Infused Dressing: Elevate your dressing by adding crushed garlic, chopped fresh herbs, or even a splash of white wine vinegar for extra zing.

Mixing Technique

  • Even Coating: When combining your ingredients, ensure each piece is evenly coated with the dressing. This not only makes every bite flavorful but also helps in binding the salad together.
  • Gentle Mixing: Use a soft hand while mixing to keep the ingredients intact, especially softer items like grapes or avocado, which might mush under too much pressure.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Creating a delicious chicken salad without celery is easy when you follow these detailed step-by-step instructions. Here’s how to put it all together, complete with tips to ensure your salad turns out perfectly every time.

Prepare the Chicken

Cook the Chicken:

Depending on your preference, cook the chicken by poaching, grilling, or baking. For poached chicken, bring a pot of seasoned water or broth to a gentle simmer, add the chicken, and cook until it’s tender and fully cooked through. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes for breasts and a bit longer for thighs.

Cool and Chop:

Once the chicken is cooked, let it cool to room temperature. Then, dice or shred it into small, bite-sized pieces. This helps the chicken better absorb flavors from the dressing and mix evenly with other ingredients.

Prepare Additional Ingredients

Chop Add-Ins:

While the chicken cools, prepare your crunchy add-ins like diced apples, sliced grapes, or chopped nuts. If using onions, chop them finely, and if you prefer a milder taste, soak them in cold water as previously suggested.

Mix the Dressing:

In a small bowl, whisk together your chosen dressing ingredients. For a simple mayo dressing, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustard, salt, and pepper. Adjust the seasoning according to your taste.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Combine Ingredients

  • Mix Salad Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooled chicken, prepared add-ins, and finely chopped herbs. Pour the dressing over the top.
  • Fold Gently: Using a spatula or large spoon, gently fold the ingredients together until everything is well coated with the dressing. Be careful not to mash the ingredients, especially if using softer add-ins like avocado or grapes.

Season and Adjust

  • Taste and Tweak: Taste your salad and adjust the seasoning if needed. Sometimes a little extra pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, or an additional squeeze of lemon juice can make all the difference.
  • Chill (Optional): For best flavor, cover and refrigerate the salad for at least an hour before serving. This chilling time allows the flavors to meld together beautifully.


  • Serving Suggestions: Serve your chicken salad on a bed of fresh greens, as a sandwich filling, or with a side of crackers. It’s versatile and perfect for any meal or gathering.


  • Refrigeration: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Properly stored, your chicken salad should stay fresh for up to three days.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Flavor Variations and Add-Ins

Even without celery, a chicken salad can be a canvas for creativity, allowing you to experiment with various flavors and textures. Here are some suggestions for add-ins and variations that can transform your basic chicken salad into something extraordinary:

Sweet Add-Ins:

  • Fruits: Apples, grapes, and dried cranberries offer a natural sweetness that complements the savory flavors of chicken. Diced mango or pineapple can add a tropical twist, perfect for summer gatherings.
  • Honey: A drizzle of honey in the dressing can balance sharper flavors, especially if you’re using mustard or vinegar-based dressings.

Savory Add-Ins:

  • Bacon: Crispy, cooked bacon adds a smoky flavor and crunchy texture that pairs well with the mildness of chicken.
  • Cheese: Crumbled feta or diced cheddar can introduce a new layer of flavor and richness. For a lighter touch, try adding small cubes of mozzarella or a sprinkle of Parmesan.
  • Olives and Capers: These provide a nice briny contrast to the sweet and savory elements of the salad.

Crunchy Add-Ins:

  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, or sunflower seeds offer a satisfying crunch and a boost of nutrition. Toast them lightly to enhance their flavor before adding them to the salad.
  • Crispy Vegetables: Radishes, cucumber, or bell peppers can replace celery to give that necessary crunch without overpowering the salad.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Herb Infusions:

  • Fresh Herbs: Dill, parsley, cilantro, or basil can dramatically change the profile of your salad. Use them generously to add freshness and vibrant color.
  • Spice it Up: A pinch of curry powder, paprika, or cumin can lend a warm, deep flavor, transforming the traditional chicken salad into something with a bit more kick.

Dressing Variations:

  • Avocado Cream: Blend ripe avocado with a bit of lime juice and yogurt for a creamy, healthy dressing alternative.
  • Asian Twist: Mix soy sauce, sesame oil, a touch of honey, and rice vinegar for an Asian-inspired dressing. Add thinly sliced green onions and a sprinkle of sesame seeds to complete the theme.
  • Mediterranean Style: Combine olive oil, lemon juice, a crushed garlic clove, and chopped fresh oregano for a Mediterranean flair. Add chopped olives and artichoke hearts for extra zest.

Experimenting with Textures:

Mixing Textures:

Balance is key when adding textures. Combine soft ingredients like avocado with crunchier elements like nuts or raw veggies to keep each bite interesting.

Layering Flavors:

Seasoning Layers:

Season different components separately before mixing. For instance, add spices directly to the chicken, season the dressing on its own, and toss the add-ins with a bit of salt and pepper. This technique builds layers of flavor that meld wonderfully when combined.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Serving Suggestions

Once your no-celery chicken salad is ready, the next step is deciding how to serve it. This dish is incredibly versatile, perfect for a variety of occasions and meal types. Here are some creative and appealing ways to present and enjoy your chicken salad:

Traditional Plating:

  • On a Bed of Greens: Lay a generous scoop of chicken salad over a bed of mixed greens, spinach, or arugula. This not only adds color and nutrition but also turns your chicken salad into a full meal.
  • With a Slice of Crusty Bread: Serve your chicken salad alongside a fresh slice of sourdough or a crusty baguette for a satisfying lunch.

As a Sandwich or Wrap:

  • Croissant Sandwich: Spoon the chicken salad into a buttery croissant. The richness of the croissant complements the lightness of the salad perfectly.
  • Wrap It Up: For a lighter option, wrap your chicken salad in a whole wheat or spinach tortilla. Add some lettuce and thinly sliced tomatoes for extra freshness and crunch.

Appetizer or Snack:

  • Stuffed Avocados: Halve an avocado, remove the pit, and fill the center with chicken salad. It’s a nutritious and keto-friendly option.
  • Endive Boats: Spoon the salad into endive leaves for a crunchy, low-carb appetizer. This presentation is not only elegant but also perfect for parties and gatherings.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Refreshing Summer Fare:

  • With Fresh Fruits: During the warmer months, complement your chicken salad with a side of seasonal fruits like melon, berries, or peach slices. The freshness of the fruit pairs well with the creamy and savory salad.
  • Cold Lettuce Wraps: Use large lettuce leaves to serve the chicken salad cold. This is particularly refreshing and ideal for summer picnics or as a light dinner.

For Brunch:

  • Bagel Delight: Spread the chicken salad on a toasted bagel. Top with crisp lettuce and slices of tomato for a brunch-worthy meal.
  • Quiche Filling: Add a twist to your traditional quiche by incorporating chicken salad into the egg mixture before baking. This adds flavor and makes for a hearty dish.

Creative Presentation:

  • In a Hollowed-Out Tomato: For a colorful and edible container, hollow out tomatoes and fill them with chicken salad. This is perfect for individual servings at a buffet or a lunch gathering.
  • On Cucumber Slices: For a light, appetizing snack, scoop small amounts of chicken salad onto thickly sliced cucumber rounds. These make for excellent party snacks or healthy appetizers.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Storing Tips

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the freshness and safety of your no-celery chicken salad. Here are some effective tips for storing your salad to ensure it remains delicious and safe to eat:

Immediate Storage:

  • Cool Down Quickly: Allow your chicken salad to cool to room temperature quickly after preparation, but do not leave it out for more than two hours to prevent bacterial growth. If your kitchen is particularly warm, shorten this time.
  • Use Airtight Containers: Transfer the salad to an airtight container. This will keep out moisture and other contaminants and will help the salad maintain its freshness.
  • Refrigerate Promptly: Place the chicken salad in the refrigerator as soon as it is cool. The colder temperature slows bacterial growth and keeps the salad fresh.

Maximizing Freshness:

  • Keep it Cold: Store the salad in the coldest part of your refrigerator, usually at the back, rather than in the door, where temperatures can fluctuate with frequent opening.
  • Separate Components: If you anticipate having leftovers, consider storing the dressing separately from the other ingredients. This keeps the ingredients from becoming soggy and extends the freshness of the greens or other add-ins.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Serving from Storage:

  • Stir Before Serving: Ingredients may settle or separate in the fridge. Give the salad a good stir to redistribute the dressing and flavors evenly.
  • Let it Sit: Remove the salad from the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes before serving. This can enhance the flavors, which become muted when chilled.

Freezing Tips:

  • Generally Not Recommended: Chicken salad, especially those made with mayonnaise or dairy-based dressings, typically does not freeze well as these components can separate and become watery when thawed.
  • Alternative for Freezing: If you need to freeze, consider freezing the cooked chicken separately. When you’re ready to eat, defrost the chicken in the refrigerator, then mix it with fresh dressing and other non-frozen ingredients.

Shelf Life:

  • Refrigerator: Properly stored, chicken salad can last in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Always use your best judgment and check for signs of spoilage, like a sour smell or a change in texture, before consuming.
  • Freezer (for chicken only): If you have frozen the cooked chicken alone, it can be stored for up to 2 months. Ensure it’s tightly wrapped and protected from freezer burn.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Equipment Recommendations

Having the right kitchen tools can make the preparation of your no-celery chicken salad both easier and more enjoyable. Here’s a list of recommended equipment that can help you achieve the best results:

Quality Knives:

  • Chef’s Knife: A sharp chef’s knife is essential for efficiently chopping chicken, fruits, and vegetables. It provides precision and control, reducing preparation time.
  • Paring Knife: This smaller knife is ideal for more delicate tasks, such as trimming grapes or dicing small ingredients.

Cutting Board:

Large Cutting Board:

Opt for a large, sturdy cutting board that gives you ample space for chopping and assembling ingredients. Bamboo or wood are great choices as they are durable and less harsh on knives than plastic.

Mixing Bowls:

Set of Mixing Bowls:

A set of mixing bowls in various sizes is crucial. You’ll need a large bowl for mixing the salad and smaller ones for preparing and seasoning individual components.

Measuring Cups and Spoons:

Accurate Measuring Tools:

Precise measurements can make a difference, especially for the dressing. Stainless steel measuring cups and spoons are recommended for their durability and ease of cleaning.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Salad Spinner:

Wash and Dry Greens:

If you’re using leafy greens as a bed for your salad or in the mix, a salad spinner can be invaluable. It helps wash and dry the greens thoroughly, which is essential for the salad’s texture and dressing adherence.

Food Processor or Blender:

For Dressing and Chopping:

A food processor or blender can be used to make the dressing, especially if you’re incorporating ingredients like herbs, garlic, or avocado that need to be finely blended.

Airtight Storage Containers:

For Storage:

Good-quality airtight containers are essential for storing leftovers. They keep the salad fresh and prevent any odors in the fridge from affecting its flavor.

Silicone Spatula:

Gentle Mixing:

A silicone spatula is gentle on all ingredients and effective for folding the dressing into the salad without crushing the components.

Citrus Juicer:

For Fresh Lemon Juice:

If your dressing recipe calls for lemon juice, a citrus juicer can ensure you get every drop of juice without the seeds, enhancing the fresh taste of your salad dressing.


For Cheese and Zest:

A good grater is useful if you’re adding cheese to your salad or if you want to zest some lemon or lime for extra flavoring in your dressing.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Feedback and Ratings

Encouraging readers to leave feedback and ratings on your recipe is an excellent way to engage with your audience and improve the content based on their experiences. Here’s how you can effectively solicit and utilize feedback and ratings for your no-celery chicken salad recipe:

Request Honest Feedback:

  • Encourage Honesty: At the end of your article or recipe post, ask readers to share their honest opinions. Mention that you value their feedback as it helps you to refine the recipe and provide more valuable content in the future.
  • Ask Specific Questions: To get detailed feedback, ask specific questions about the recipe. For instance, inquire about the ease of preparation, the taste of the final dish, or how well the alternative ingredients worked.

Provide a Simple Rating System:

  • Star Ratings: Implement a star rating system on your recipe page, where readers can rate the recipe from 1 to 5 stars. This provides a quick and visual representation of the recipe’s success and popularity.
  • Comment Section: Alongside the star rating, enable a comment section where readers can elaborate on their rating, share their modifications, or ask questions about the recipe.

Respond to Feedback:

  • Engage with Comments: Make it a practice to read and respond to comments. Thanking readers for their feedback, answering questions, and discussing their suggestions not only builds a community but also shows that you value their input.
  • Address Negative Feedback Constructively: If you receive critical feedback, respond professionally and constructively. Ask for more details to understand the issue better and suggest solutions or adjustments.

Use Feedback for Improvement:

  • Adjust the Recipe: Based on consistent feedback, consider making changes to the recipe. If many readers find a particular ingredient overpowering or suggest an alternative, testing and updating the recipe can be beneficial.
  • Highlight Reader Suggestions: Update the recipe notes to include popular modifications or tips suggested by your readers. This not only improves the recipe but also encourages more readers to contribute their ideas.

Showcase Reviews:

  • Feature Positive Reviews: Highlight positive reviews and testimonials prominently on your recipe page or social media. This can act as social proof and encourage others to try the recipe.
  • Create a Community Feature: Consider featuring a “Reader of the Month” or similar spotlight for someone who provides particularly helpful or detailed feedback. This can incentivize engagement and turn one-time readers into regular visitors.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery


Having the right tools can make preparing your chicken salad not only easier but also more enjoyable. Here’s a guide to the essential kitchen equipment for making your no-celery chicken salad, ensuring every step from preparation to serving is handled efficiently.

Sharp Knives:

  • Chef’s Knife: A good chef’s knife is indispensable for chopping chicken, slicing add-ins like apples, and mincing herbs. A sharp knife ensures clean cuts and more control over the size and shape of your ingredients.
  • Paring Knife: Ideal for smaller, more precise tasks like peeling fruits or fine dicing.

Cutting Board:

Non-Slip Wooden or Bamboo Board:

A sturdy cutting board provides a safe and stable surface for cutting. Wooden boards are durable and gentle on knife blades, while non-slip features help prevent accidents.

Mixing Bowls:

Various Sizes:

Having a set of mixing bowls in different sizes is useful for separating ingredients before combining them. A large bowl is essential for mixing your salad, ensuring there’s enough room to toss all components evenly.

Measuring Cups and Spoons:

For Precision:

Accurate measurements are crucial for the dressing and seasoning. Stainless steel or clear plastic measuring tools are durable and easy to read.

Salad Spinner:

Dry Greens Perfectly:

If you’re using leafy greens as a base or mix-in, a salad spinner can efficiently dry them after washing, which is crucial for dressing adherence and avoiding a watery salad.

Citrus Juicer:

Extract Maximum Flavor:

A citrus juicer is perfect for quickly extracting juice from lemons or limes for your dressing, ensuring no seeds get into your mix and maximizing juice output.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Food Processor or Blender:

For Dressing and Chopping:

If your dressing involves blending ingredients like herbs, garlic, or creamy elements, a food processor or high-speed blender can achieve a smooth, well-emulsified dressing. They can also be handy for finely chopping ingredients.

Silicone Spatula:

Mix Without Damaging Ingredients:

A silicone spatula is gentle on all ingredients and ideal for folding the salad to evenly distribute the dressing without crushing delicate components.

Airtight Containers:

For Storage:

High-quality airtight containers are essential for storing leftovers. They keep your salad fresh longer and prevent any fridge odors from affecting the flavor.

Serving Utensils:

For Elegant Presentation:

Good serving utensils not only make it easier to serve your salad, especially if it’s for a gathering, but also add a touch of elegance to your presentation.


For Cheese and Zest:

If you choose to add cheese or zest to your salad, a fine grater can handle these tasks effortlessly, ensuring you get the perfect texture.


For Perfect Slices:

A quality peeler can help you prepare ingredients like apples or cucumbers, peeling them neatly for consistent slices that enhance the texture and appearance of your salad.

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

How to Serve this No Celery Chicken Salad Recipe

Serving your no-celery chicken salad creatively can transform it from a simple dish into a standout meal or snack that impresses guests and satisfies all tastes. Here are several versatile ways to present and enjoy your chicken salad:

As a Light Main Course:

  • Over Greens: Serve a generous scoop of chicken salad over a bed of crisp mixed greens such as arugula, spinach, or a spring mix. This not only adds a fresh element but also turns your chicken salad into a complete and satisfying meal.
  • Accompanied by Soup: Pair your chicken salad with a light vegetable or broth-based soup for a fulfilling meal that’s not too heavy.

In Sandwiches or Wraps:

  • Croissant Sandwich: Stuff a flaky, buttery croissant with your chicken salad for a luxurious treat. The richness of the croissant beautifully complements the light, creamy texture of the salad.
  • Healthy Wraps: For a healthier option, spoon the chicken salad into a whole wheat or low-carb wrap. Add some crisp lettuce and fresh tomato slices for added texture and freshness.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

As an Appetizer:

  • Stuffed Avocados: Halve and pit some avocados, then fill them with the chicken salad. This presentation is not only visually appealing but also offers a creamy texture that pairs well with the salad.
  • Endive Boats: Spoon the salad into individual endive leaves. These make for a crunchy, low-carb option that’s perfect for parties and elegant enough for special occasions.

Snack Time:

  • With Crackers: Serve your chicken salad with a side of whole-grain or gluten-free crackers for a satisfying snack. This is perfect for mid-afternoon hunger pangs or early evening nibbles.
  • Cucumber Rounds: For a refreshing and low-calorie option, slice cucumbers thickly and top each round with a small scoop of chicken salad. This is great for summer gatherings or as a light snack.

Creative Plating:

  • Tomato Cups: Hollow out tomatoes and fill them with chicken salad for a colorful and edible container. This method is especially appealing for brunches or buffet tables.
  • Lettuce Wraps: Serve the chicken salad in large lettuce leaves, such as butter lettuce or romaine, for a crunchy and refreshing way to enjoy the dish without extra carbs.

Brunch Special:

  • On Bagels: Spread chicken salad over a toasted bagel. Complete this with a layer of crisp lettuce and ripe tomato slices for a satisfying brunch item.
  • As a Quiche Filling: Mix some chicken salad into your quiche filling before baking for an innovative and tasty twist on the traditional egg dish.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery


In conclusion, crafting a delightful chicken salad without celery is an exciting journey into the world of flavors and textures. By exploring different ingredients for crunch and zest, experimenting with various dressing options, and embracing creative serving suggestions, you can transform this simple dish into a standout meal. Whether you’re preparing a quick lunch, a family dinner, or a special gathering, this chicken salad recipe promises to be both refreshing and satisfying. Don’t forget to make use of the suggested kitchen tools to ease your preparation process, and always encourage feedback to refine the recipe further. Enjoy the blend of tender chicken, vibrant add-ins, and creamy dressing in your next meal, and revel in the flavors that make this chicken salad uniquely delicious!


A traditional chicken salad typically includes diced or shredded cooked chicken, mayonnaise, celery, and sometimes onions. Many recipes also add ingredients like grapes, apples, nuts, or herbs for extra flavor and texture. Seasonings such as salt, pepper, and a bit of lemon juice are often used to enhance the taste.
Homemade chicken salad can last in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days if stored in an airtight container. It's essential to keep it refrigerated to prevent the growth of bacteria. Always check for any signs of spoilage, such as an off smell or appearance, before consuming.
Chicken salad can be a healthy option because it typically contains lean protein from the chicken, which is essential for muscle repair and growth. The celery and other vegetables add fiber and various nutrients. However, the healthiness can be affected by the amount and type of mayonnaise used, so opting for a lighter or yogurt-based dressing can make it even healthier.
Egg salad can contain celery, but it depends on the recipe. Some versions of egg salad include diced celery for added crunch and flavor, while others stick to a more straightforward combination of eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings.
Your chicken salad might be bland due to a lack of seasoning or flavorful ingredients. Try adding more salt, pepper, or a splash of lemon juice. Fresh herbs like dill, parsley, or tarragon can enhance the taste. Including additional ingredients like mustard, chopped pickles, or even a bit of hot sauce can also boost the flavor profile.
Chicken salad can contain onions, but it varies by recipe. Some people add diced onions or scallions for a bit of sharpness and crunch, while others prefer to leave them out. If you like the taste of onions, feel free to include them in your chicken salad.
Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Chicken Salad Recipe Without Celery

Mix cooked chicken, mayo, chopped onion, salt, and pepper. Add apple or grapes for sweetness. Chill before serving. Enjoy!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • 2 cups cooked shredded chicken
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup chopped red onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped red or green grapes
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds or chopped pecans
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh herbs like dill or parsley, chopped (optional)


  • In a large bowl, combine the shredded chicken, mayonnaise, red onion, grapes, and nuts.
  • Add the lemon juice and Dijon mustard, and stir to combine thoroughly.
  • Season with salt and pepper, and add herbs if using.
  • Mix everything together until well combined.
  • Chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving to let the flavors meld.
  • Serve on a bed of greens, in a sandwich, or with your favorite sides.
Keyword chicken, Chicken Salad

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