Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Dive into the vibrant world of Filipino cuisine with the beloved Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad, a dish that beautifully melds flavors and textures. A staple at festive gatherings, this salad brings together tender chicken, creamy dressing, and a delightful mix of sweet and savory elements. Originating from the classic American macaroni salad, the Filipino version transforms with local twists like the addition of raisins and green bell peppers. Whether you’re looking to refresh your potluck contributions or simply craving a hearty yet refreshing meal, this guide will walk you through every step of creating an authentic Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad. Curious about how to whip up this crowd-pleaser or looking for ways to tweak it with your own personal touch? Keep reading, as we unveil the secrets to mastering this delightful dish.

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Introduction to Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad isn’t just a dish; it’s a celebration of flavors that has found its way into the hearts of many across the Philippines. It’s often featured at various events, from simple family gatherings to grand festive celebrations like Christmas and birthdays.

Origin and Evolution

The roots of macaroni salad trace back to Europe, but as it traveled to the Philippines, it underwent a delightful transformation. Filipinos infused it with local flavors and ingredients, turning the simple pasta salad into a richer, more colorful dish. Unlike the straightforward American version that typically focuses on macaroni, mayonnaise, and perhaps some vegetables, the Filipino version is more elaborate.

Unique Features of Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad

What sets the Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad apart are the sweet and savory contrasts brought by its unique ingredients. The inclusion of raisins adds a burst of sweetness which complements the creamy texture of the mayonnaise and the saltiness of the chicken. Green bell peppers provide a crunchy texture and a vibrant color that makes the dish visually appealing.

This version of macaroni salad is more than just a side dish; it is often hearty enough to stand alone as a main during lunch or dinner. Its creamy and comforting qualities make it a beloved choice, especially during the cooler months or for special occasions when comfort food is most appreciated.

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Essential Ingredients and Substitutes

Creating the perfect Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad involves a blend of specific ingredients that each add their own unique flavor and texture. Here’s a rundown of the essential components, along with some handy substitutes if you find yourself missing an item.

Key Ingredients

  • Macaroni – The base of the salad, typically elbow macaroni, which is boiled until al dente.
  • Chicken – Cooked and shredded chicken breast is the most common choice for its lean texture and mild flavor that absorbs the dressing well.
  • Mayonnaise – Acts as the creamy binder for the salad. Use a good quality mayonnaise for the best flavor.
  • Carrots – Adds a sweet crunch and vibrant color, usually grated or finely chopped.
  • Raisins – Introduce a sweet and chewy texture, balancing the savory elements.
  • Green Bell Peppers – Provide a crisp contrast and a pop of color.
  • Onions – Red onions are preferred for their mild sweetness and color.
  • Cheese – Cubed cheddar or processed cheese adds a creamy, tangy element.
  • Pineapple – Chunks of pineapple for a tropical sweetness that complements the other flavors.
  • Salt and Pepper – For seasoning to enhance the overall taste.


If you’re missing an ingredient or want to tailor the salad to your taste or dietary needs, here are some substitutes that can work well:

  • Macaroni: Any small pasta like fusilli, penne, or even gluten-free pasta can be used in place of elbow macaroni.
  • Chicken: Tuna or hard-boiled eggs can be a good substitute for chicken if you’re looking for a different protein source or a vegetarian option.
  • Mayonnaise: For a healthier version, try using Greek yogurt or a combination of yogurt and low-fat mayo.
  • Raisins: Dried cranberries or chopped dates can substitute for raisins, offering a similar sweet chewiness.
  • Green Bell Peppers: Red or yellow bell peppers can be used for a sweeter flavor profile or additional color.
  • Cheese: If you prefer a different type of cheese, mozzarella or gouda can offer a mild but distinctive taste.

These ingredients and their substitutes allow for flexibility while preparing Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad, ensuring you can always whip up this delightful dish with whatever you have on hand. With your ingredients ready, let’s move on to putting it all together in the kitchen.

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Step-by-Step Cooking Guide

Now that you have your ingredients lined up, let’s dive into the process of making your very own Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad. This section provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to ensure your salad turns out delicious every time.

Preparing the Ingredients

  1. Cook the Pasta: Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the macaroni and cook according to the package instructions until al dente. Once cooked, drain and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process and remove excess starch. Set aside to cool.
  2. Prepare the Chicken: Boil chicken breasts in salted water until fully cooked, about 15-20 minutes depending on the size. Once cooked, allow the chicken to cool, then shred it into bite-sized pieces using two forks.
  3. Chop the Vegetables and Fruits: While the chicken cools, chop the carrots, green bell peppers, and onions into small, even pieces. Drain the pineapple chunks if using canned.
  4. Mix the Dressing: In a separate bowl, combine the mayonnaise with a pinch of salt and pepper. If you like, add a teaspoon of sugar or pineapple juice to sweeten it slightly.

Assembling the Salad

  • Combine Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooled macaroni, shredded chicken, chopped vegetables, pineapple chunks, raisins, and cubed cheese.
  • Add the Dressing: Pour the mayonnaise dressing over the salad ingredients. Gently mix everything together until all the ingredients are well coated with the dressing. Taste and adjust the seasoning with more salt or pepper as needed.
  • Chill: Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate the salad for at least an hour before serving. This chilling time helps the flavors meld together beautifully.

Final Touches and Serving

  • Garnish and Serve: Just before serving, give the salad a good stir and check if it needs more dressing or seasoning. Garnish with a sprinkle of chopped green onions or parsley for a touch of freshness.
  • Serve: Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad can be served as a standalone dish or as a side with grilled meats or seafood. It’s perfect for picnics, potlucks, or as a refreshing meal on a warm day.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Nutritional Benefits

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is not only a delightful treat for your taste buds but also packs a nutritious punch, making it a worthwhile addition to your diet. Here’s a breakdown of the health benefits of its main components.

Main Ingredients and Their Health Benefits

  1. Chicken: As the primary protein source in the salad, chicken is excellent for muscle repair and growth. It provides essential amino acids and is relatively low in fat, especially if you use chicken breast.
  2. Macaroni (Whole Grain, if possible): Opting for whole grain macaroni can enhance the fiber content of the dish, which is beneficial for digestive health and helps maintain blood sugar levels.
  3. Mayonnaise: While mayonnaise is high in calories, it contributes to the intake of healthy fats, especially if you choose varieties made with olive or avocado oil. These fats are essential for absorbing vitamins A, D, E, and K.
  4. Carrots and Green Bell Peppers: Both are high in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and potassium. Vitamin A improves vision health, while vitamin C boosts the immune system and skin health.
  5. Raisins: These add a natural sweetness and are rich in iron and potassium. Iron is crucial for forming red blood cells, and potassium helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
  6. Pineapple: This tropical fruit is not only a flavor enhancer but also packed with vitamin C and enzymes like bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can aid digestion.

Nutritional Information

On average, a serving of Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad can contain:

  • Calories: Approximately 300-400 calories per serving, making it a suitable main dish or a hearty side.
  • Proteins: About 20 grams per serving, providing a good source of high-quality protein.
  • Fats: Roughly 10-20 grams, depending on the type of mayonnaise used.
  • Carbohydrates: Around 30-40 grams, which provide energy and are essential for brain function.
  • Fibers: Varies with the amount of vegetables and whole grains used, contributing to satiety and digestive health.

Modifying for Healthier Options

To make this salad healthier, consider the following modifications:

  • Use low-fat mayonnaise or a mix of yogurt and mayonnaise to reduce calories and fat content.
  • Increase the vegetables: Add more carrots, bell peppers, or even cucumbers for extra fiber and nutrients without many additional calories.
  • Swap out regular macaroni for whole grain or gluten-free options to cater to dietary needs and increase fiber intake.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe Nutritional Benefits

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is not just a feast for the taste buds; it’s also a dish packed with various nutritional elements that can contribute positively to your health. Here’s a closer look at the health benefits offered by its main ingredients.

Healthful Insights into Key Ingredients

  1. Chicken: A great source of lean protein, chicken helps in muscle repair and growth. It’s also rich in important vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, which are crucial for energy production and brain health.
  2. Macaroni: While often viewed as comfort food, choosing whole grain macaroni can increase the fiber content, aiding in digestion and providing a slower release of energy to help manage blood sugar levels.
  3. Mayonnaise: Typically high in fats, but these are mostly unsaturated fats that contribute to heart health when consumed in moderation. Opting for versions made with healthier oils like olive or avocado can further enhance the nutritional profile.
  4. Carrots and Green Bell Peppers: These vegetables are high in fiber, beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), and vitamin C. Beta-carotene supports eye health, while vitamin C is vital for immune function and skin integrity.
  5. Raisins: Despite their small size, raisins are a powerhouse of energy and rich in iron, which helps prevent anemia. They also offer potassium, which aids in muscle function and heart health.
  6. Pineapple: This fruit not only brings a tangy sweetness but is also loaded with vitamin C and manganese, a mineral important for bone health and metabolism. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help with digestion and reduce inflammation.

Comprehensive Nutritional Breakdown

A typical serving of Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad might include:

  • Calories: Approximately 350-450 calories, making it a substantial meal on its own or a hearty side.
  • Proteins: About 15-20 grams, providing a solid amount of your daily protein needs.
  • Fats: Roughly 15-25 grams, depending on the type of mayonnaise and the amount used. The fats are important for nutrient absorption and cellular health.
  • Carbohydrates: Around 40-50 grams, which are the body’s main source of energy.
  • Fiber: Varies based on the vegetables and type of pasta used; fiber aids in digestive health and helps maintain a steady blood glucose level.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Tips for a Healthier Salad

For those mindful of their diet or with specific nutritional goals, consider these adjustments:

  • Switch to low-fat mayonnaise or a yogurt-based dressing to cut down on fats without sacrificing creaminess.
  • Boost the vegetable content: Adding more carrots, bell peppers, or even non-traditional ingredients like chopped spinach can increase the vitamins, minerals, and fiber in the salad without adding many calories.
  • Opt for whole grain pasta: This simple swap boosts the fiber content significantly, which can help in maintaining longer satiety and better blood sugar control.

Recipe Variations and Customizations

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is wonderfully versatile, allowing for numerous variations and customizations to suit different tastes and dietary needs. Whether you’re looking to spice things up, make a healthier version, or just use what you have on hand, there are plenty of ways to tailor this dish to your preferences.

Creative Variations

  1. Seafood Delight: Replace the chicken with flaked tuna or cooked shrimp for a seafood twist on the classic recipe. Seafood not only changes the flavor profile but also packs a punch with essential omega-3 fatty acids.
  2. Vegan Twist: For a plant-based version, omit the chicken and cheese, substituting them with tofu or a vegan meat alternative and vegan mayonnaise. Add more beans like chickpeas or black beans for additional protein.
  3. Tropical Fusion: Incorporate more tropical fruits such as mango or papaya alongside the pineapple for a fruitier, more vibrant salad. These additions enhance the salad’s sweetness and offer more vitamins and antioxidants.
  4. Spicy Kick: Add a spicy element by including chopped jalapeños or a dash of hot sauce in the dressing. This not only heightens the flavors but also adds a little heat that pairs wonderfully with the creamy and sweet components.
  5. Herb Freshness: Mix in fresh herbs such as cilantro, basil, or parsley. Herbs can transform the flavor profile and offer fresh, aromatic lifts to the creamy salad.

Customizations for Dietary Restrictions

  • Gluten-Free: Ensure the macaroni and any other additives, like seasonings or sauces, are gluten-free. Many stores offer gluten-free pasta made from rice, corn, or quinoa.
  • Lower Fat: Use low-fat mayonnaise or substitute half of the mayo with plain Greek yogurt to reduce the fat content without compromising on the creamy texture.
  • Lower Sugar: Reduce the amount of fruit and use unsweetened dried fruits or opt for fresh over canned to cut down on added sugars.

Additional Tips for Personalizing Your Salad

  • Cheese Varieties: Experiment with different types of cheese for new flavors and textures. A smoked gouda or a peppery feta can add an interesting twist to the traditional cheddar.
  • Crunch Factor: Add a variety of nuts like walnuts or almonds for extra crunch and a dose of healthy fats.
  • Dressing Alternatives: Instead of traditional mayonnaise, try avocado-based mayo or a vinaigrette for a lighter and tangier dressing option.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Storage Tips and Shelf Life

Proper storage is key to maintaining the freshness and safety of your Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad, especially since it contains perishable ingredients like chicken and mayonnaise. Here are some essential tips on how to store your salad effectively, along with information on its shelf life.

Best Practices for Storage

  1. Cool Before Storing: Ensure that the salad cools to room temperature before refrigerating. Hot or warm salad should not be put directly into the fridge as it can raise the refrigerator’s temperature, potentially leading to food spoilage.
  2. Airtight Container: Transfer the salad to an airtight container. This not only helps in keeping the salad fresh but also prevents it from absorbing odors from other foods in the refrigerator.
  3. Refrigeration: Keep the salad in the coldest part of the refrigerator, usually the back, away from the door. This helps maintain a consistent temperature, preserving the salad’s texture and flavor.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Freezing the Salad

Freezing Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is generally not recommended. The mayonnaise and fresh ingredients do not fare well in the freezer, leading to a separation of fats and water and a considerable loss in texture quality when thawed.

Shelf Life Details

  • Refrigerated: When stored properly in the refrigerator, the salad can last for 3-5 days. Always check for signs of spoilage, like an off smell, discoloration, or slimy texture before consuming.
  • After Serving: If the salad has been left out at room temperature during a meal or event, it should not sit out for more than 2 hours. In hotter climates, where temperatures can reach above 90°F (32°C), reduce this time to 1 hour.

Tips for Extending Shelf Life

  • Minimize Contamination: Use clean utensils when serving the salad to avoid introducing bacteria into the entire dish. This is especially important during gatherings where multiple people may be serving themselves.
  • Portioning: Consider storing in smaller containers rather than one large one. This way, you only open what you will use at one time, keeping the rest uncontaminated and fresh.
  • Acidic Ingredients: Adding a bit of lemon juice or vinegar to the salad dressing can help preserve the salad a bit longer due to their natural acidic properties, which inhibit bacterial growth.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Serving Suggestions

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is incredibly versatile and can be served in numerous ways to complement various meals. Here are some thoughtful serving suggestions to help you make the most out of this delightful dish, whether it’s for a casual family dinner or a festive occasion.

Perfect Pairings

  1. Grilled Meats: The creamy and cool nature of the salad makes it an excellent side dish for grilled meats such as chicken, pork, or beef. The salad’s refreshing taste balances the smokiness and richness of barbecued dishes.
  2. Seafood: Serve it alongside grilled or fried seafood like shrimp or fish. The light and fruity elements of the salad enhance the flavors of seafood without overpowering them.
  3. As a Sandwich Filling: Elevate your sandwiches by using the salad as a filling. It works exceptionally well in croissants or soft rolls, providing a satisfying and creamy texture.
  4. With Rice Dishes: In true Filipino style, pair it with a rice dish such as garlic fried rice or steamed jasmine rice. The combination of creamy salad with warm, aromatic rice creates a comforting meal.

Ideal Occasions

  • Picnics and Outdoor Events: Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is perfect for picnics due to its ease of transport and its ability to be served cold. It’s a refreshing choice for outdoor dining.
  • Holiday Gatherings: This salad is a festive favorite during holidays like Christmas and New Year in the Philippines. Its colorful appearance and hearty nature make it suitable for celebrations.
  • Potlucks and Parties: Its universal appeal and easy scalability make the macaroni salad a hit at potlucks and parties. It’s a dish that can be prepared in advance, saving you time and effort on the day of the event.

Presentation Tips

  • Garnish: Before serving, sprinkle some chopped parsley, green onions, or a dash of paprika on top for added color and flavor. These small touches can enhance the visual appeal and taste.
  • Serving Dish: Serve the salad in a clear glass bowl or a large shallow dish to showcase its vibrant ingredients. Layering the ingredients before mixing in front of guests can be a delightful presentation technique.
  • Individual Portions: For more formal occasions, consider serving the salad in individual cups or small bowls. This not only makes it easier for guests to enjoy but also adds an element of elegance to your serving style.

Additional Filipino Side Dishes

While the Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is a standout dish, pairing it with other Filipino side dishes can create a well-rounded and culturally rich dining experience. Here are a few delightful side dishes that complement the flavors and add variety to any Filipino-themed meal.

Ensaladang Pipino (Cucumber Salad)

  1. Overview: A refreshing side dish, Ensaladang Pipino consists of thinly sliced cucumbers, red onions, and tomatoes, often dressed with vinegar, salt, and pepper. It’s light and cooling, making it a perfect counterbalance to the richer macaroni salad.
  2. Preparation: Simply slice the cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes. Mix with a dressing of vinegar (white or apple cider), a sprinkle of sugar, salt, and pepper. Chill before serving to enhance the flavors.

Filipino Mango and Tomato Salad

  1. Overview: This vibrant salad features ripe mangoes and fresh tomatoes, providing a sweet and tangy flavor profile that complements creamy and savory dishes like the macaroni salad.
  2. Preparation: Cube ripe but firm mangoes and fresh tomatoes. Add chopped cilantro, a squeeze of lime juice, and a pinch of salt. Toss gently and serve fresh for the best taste.

Coconut Rice

  1. Overview: Coconut rice is a simple yet flavorful dish made by cooking rice in coconut milk. It adds a subtly sweet, creamy texture that pairs beautifully with the savory notes of macaroni salad.
  2. Preparation: Replace half of the water with coconut milk when cooking your regular white or jasmine rice. Add a pinch of salt and a bay leaf for extra flavor.

Fried Okra

  1. Overview: Fried okra is a crispy, delightful side that adds a crunchy texture to your meal. It’s especially popular in the Philippines where it’s often enjoyed as a snack or a side dish.
  2. Preparation: Slice okra pods into bite-sized pieces, dip them in beaten eggs, then coat with cornmeal or flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Fry in hot oil until golden and crispy.

Serving Ideas

These side dishes not only complement the flavors of Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad but also provide a variety of textures and tastes that can cater to different palates. Serving a combination of these dishes at your next gathering will showcase the diversity and richness of Filipino cuisine, making for a memorable and enjoyable meal experience.

Kitchen Equipment Needed

To prepare Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad efficiently and effectively, having the right kitchen tools can make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Here’s a comprehensive list of essential kitchen equipment that will help you craft this delicious dish with ease.

Basic Tools

  1. Large Pot: Needed for boiling the macaroni and cooking the chicken. A pot with a heavy bottom is preferable as it provides even heat distribution, preventing the pasta from sticking.
  2. Colander: Essential for draining the cooked macaroni and rinsing it under cold water to stop the cooking process and remove excess starch.
  3. Mixing Bowls: You’ll need a variety of sizes. Large bowls are perfect for mixing all the ingredients together, while smaller ones can be used for preparing the dressing or holding prepped ingredients.
  4. Measuring Cups and Spoons: These are crucial for measuring out ingredients accurately, especially for the dressing, to ensure the right balance of flavors.
  5. Chopping Board and Sharp Knife: Needed for chopping vegetables and fruits cleanly and efficiently. A sharp knife makes prepping quicker and safer.
  6. Whisk or Spoon: For mixing the mayonnaise and other dressing ingredients to a smooth consistency.
  7. Rubber Spatula or Large Spoon: Useful for folding the ingredients together to ensure they are evenly coated with the dressing without breaking the macaroni or other delicate components.

Additional Tools

  1. Box Grater or Food Processor: Ideal for grating carrots or cheese if they are part of your recipe. A food processor can also speed up chopping tasks.
  2. Peeler: Useful if you prefer to peel your carrots or other vegetables included in the salad.
  3. Serving Utensils: A large serving spoon or tongs are handy for serving the salad, especially if it’s part of a buffet or potluck.
  4. Plastic Wrap or Airtight Containers: Necessary for storing the salad if not serving immediately. This helps keep the salad fresh and prevents it from absorbing flavors from other foods in the refrigerator.

Tips for Efficient Use of Equipment

  • Prep First: Before you begin cooking, have all your ingredients washed, chopped, and measured. This “mise en place” approach ensures that everything comes together smoothly when you start to mix.
  • Sequential Use: Plan the use of your equipment to minimize cleanup. For example, use the same chopping board and knife for all your vegetables if possible, wash your mixing bowl immediately after use, or use it for multiple steps in the recipe.
  • Safety First: Always ensure that knives are sharp and cutting surfaces are stable. Use pots with secure handles and be cautious with hot water and oil.


In conclusion, the Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is a delightful dish that perfectly encapsulates the fusion of flavors and cultures found in Filipino cuisine. Through this guide, you’ve gained the insights and skills needed to create this vibrant salad, whether for everyday meals or special occasions. Armed with knowledge about ingredients, substitutes, and nutritional benefits, as well as detailed cooking and storage instructions, you’re now ready to bring a touch of Filipino flavor to your table. Enjoy the process of making this hearty, flavorful dish and don’t hesitate to put your own spin on it, making every bite a celebration of culinary creativity.


Macaroni salad specifically uses elbow macaroni as its main ingredient, whereas pasta salad can be made with a variety of pasta shapes like rotini, farfalle, or penne. Macaroni salad is typically creamy, often using mayonnaise as a base, while pasta salad usually features a vinaigrette or oil-based dressing.
Hawaiians love macaroni salad because it is a staple side dish in Hawaiian cuisine, especially in plate lunches. Its creamy texture and mild flavor complement the bold and savory main dishes like kalua pork, chicken katsu, or loco moco, making it a beloved comfort food.
Macaroni salad is typically made of cooked elbow macaroni, mayonnaise, and a variety of add-ins such as diced celery, onion, bell pepper, pickles, and sometimes boiled eggs or canned tuna. Seasonings like salt, pepper, and sometimes a bit of mustard or vinegar are added for flavor.
Macaroni salad is widely recognized as part of American cuisine, especially popular in picnic and barbecue settings. It has become an integral part of Hawaiian cuisine as well, thanks to its inclusion in the traditional Hawaiian plate lunch.
Macaroni salad pairs well with grilled or barbecued meats like chicken, ribs, and hamburgers. It's also a great side dish for fried chicken, sandwiches, and seafood. In Hawaiian cuisine, it's commonly served with items like kalua pork, teriyaki beef, and chicken katsu.
Yes, you can use macaroni instead of other types of pasta in recipes. Macaroni is a type of pasta, so it can be a substitute in various dishes, especially in salads and casseroles. Just keep in mind that the shape and size might affect the texture and how well the sauce or dressing coats the pasta.
Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad Recipe

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad isn't just a dish; it's a celebration of flavors that has found its way into the hearts of many across the Philippines. It’s often featured at various events, from simple family gatherings to grand festive celebrations like Christmas and birthdays.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Dessert, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine American
Servings 8


  • 1 pound elbow macaroni - uncooked
  • 1 pound chicken breast fillet
  • 2 cups mayonnaise
  • 1 cup onions - chopped finely
  • 1 cup carrots - cut brunoise/fine dice
  • ½ cup green bell pepper - cut brunoise/fine dice
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 can 137g pineapple tidbits
  • ½ block cheese Eden or Velveeta or cheddar
  • 1 /2 teaspoon ground pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt - adjust as needed


  • Cook elbow macaroni as per package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  • Place chicken in a pot and fill with water just enough to cover it. Add a little salt and bring to boil. Simmer for 10-12 minutes or until meat is cooked through. Remove from heat and drain. Shred meat using 2 forks.
  • In a large bowl, add all the ingredients, except the cheese, salt, and pepper. and toss until well blended.
  • Grate the cheese on top of the macaroni salad and mix. Season with salt and pepper according to preference.
  • Cover the bowl with cling wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least an hour to give the flavor time to blend together. Give it another toss before serving.
Keyword macaroni salad recipe, chicken salad recipe


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