Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Welcome to the delightful world of Filipino cuisine, where the Chicken Macaroni Salad stands out as a festive favorite! This vibrant and creamy dish is a staple at any celebration, blending sweet and savory flavors to create a perfect balance.

Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a curious foodie, our guide will walk you through everything from its rich history to the secrets of making it just right. So grab your apron, and let’s dive into the art of crafting the perfect Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad that promises to be a crowd-pleaser at your next gathering! Ready to discover how this beloved dish can bring a taste of the Philippines to your table? Keep reading!

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Table of Contents

Historical Background

The journey of macaroni salad begins far from the sunny islands of the Philippines. Originating from the pasta salads of Europe, macaroni salad made its way across the oceans with travelers and colonizers. However, it was in the Philippines where this simple dish was transformed into a colorful celebration of local flavors and ingredients.

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad, as we know it today, is a testament to the country’s rich cultural tapestry. Influenced by Spanish, American, and indigenous Filipino culinary traditions, this dish represents a unique blend of tastes and textures.

While macaroni pasta lays the foundation, the Filipino twist comes with the addition of local ingredients such as chicken, raisins, and sometimes even pineapple, making it distinctively sweet and savory.

This dish not only reflects the historical culinary influences in the Philippines but also showcases the adaptability and creativity of Filipino cooking. Over the years, Chicken Macaroni Salad has evolved into a celebratory dish, often served during fiestas, holidays, and special family gatherings.

Its popularity is a tribute to its versatility and its ability to bring people together, making it a cherished recipe in the hearts and kitchens across the archipelago.

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Key Ingredients and Substitutions

Essential Ingredients:

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is a delightful mix of textures and flavors, featuring some key ingredients that give it its characteristic taste. At its core are elbow macaroni and cooked, shredded chicken, often boiled or roasted for maximum flavor.

Creamy mayonnaise binds the salad, while carrots and celery add a crunch. The unique Filipino touch comes with the inclusion of raisins for a hint of sweetness and green bell peppers for a slight tang. Together, these elements combine to create a rich and comforting dish.

Sweet Enhancements:

In addition to raisins, some recipes call for pineapple chunks to enhance the sweetness. This not only adds a tropical flair but also complements the savory notes of the chicken.

Crunchy Elements:

Celery is a common crunchy element, but for more texture, some like to add chopped onions or even apple slices, which provide a fresh, crisp bite.


If you find yourself missing an ingredient or two, don’t worry—this salad is all about flexibility. Here are some handy substitutions:

  • Mayonnaise: If you’re out of mayo or prefer something lighter, plain yogurt or sour cream can be used as a healthier alternative. They provide the same creamy texture with a tangier flavor profile.
  • Chicken: No chicken? No problem. Canned tuna or leftover turkey can substitute beautifully, offering their own unique flavors.
  • Raisins: If you’re not a fan of raisins, dried cranberries or chopped dates can be excellent alternatives, adding a different kind of sweetness.
  • Green Bell Peppers: Some might find bell peppers too bitter; chopped cucumber or green peas can offer a similar crunch without the bitterness.
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Nutritional Benefits

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is more than just a tasty dish; it also offers several nutritional benefits that make it a worthwhile addition to your diet. Here’s a breakdown of the health advantages provided by some of the key ingredients:


As the primary source of protein in the salad, chicken helps in muscle repair and growth. It is also a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, which are crucial for energy production and maintaining healthy brain function.

Elbow Macaroni:

Typically made from durum wheat, macaroni provides a good source of complex carbohydrates, which are vital for energy. It also contributes some protein and is low in fat, making it a balanced energy source.

Vegetables (Carrots, Celery, Green Bell Peppers):

These vegetables add not only crunch and flavor but also a host of vitamins and minerals. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and is essential for good vision, skin health, and immune function. Celery and green bell peppers are low in calories but high in dietary fiber and vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption and immunity.


Often added for sweetness, raisins are packed with energy, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are particularly rich in iron, which helps to prevent anemia, and potassium, which contributes to proper muscle function and regulates blood pressure.


While mayonnaise is high in fats, these are mostly unsaturated fats that can help to improve cholesterol levels when consumed in moderation. Mayo also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health.

Optional Ingredients (Pineapple, Apples):

Fruits like pineapple and apples contribute additional vitamins, antioxidants, and a fiber boost. Pineapple is particularly high in vitamin C and manganese, while apples offer dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and prolonged satiety, helping with weight management.

Despite its numerous benefits, Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is best enjoyed in moderation due to its mayonnaise content, which can add up in calories. For a healthier version, consider substituting mayonnaise with yogurt or low-fat sour cream to reduce the calorie and fat content without compromising on taste.

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad Step-by-Step Cooking Guide

Creating the perfect Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad involves a few essential steps that combine all the flavors and textures into a delightful dish. Here’s how you can make this traditional Filipino favorite at home:

Ingredients Preparation:

Cook the Macaroni:

Start by boiling elbow macaroni according to the package instructions until al dente. Drain well and set aside to cool. To prevent sticking, you can toss the macaroni in a little oil.

Prepare the Chicken:

Boil chicken breasts until fully cooked, then allow them to cool before shredding into bite-sized pieces. For enhanced flavor, consider marinating the chicken in a bit of soy sauce and garlic before cooking.

Chop the Vegetables:

Dice carrots, celery, and green bell peppers into small, even pieces. If using onions or apples, chop them as well.

Mixing the Salad:

Combine Ingredients:

In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooled macaroni, shredded chicken, and chopped vegetables. Add raisins (or your substitute) and pineapple if using, for a sweet contrast.

Add the Dressing:

Spoon in mayonnaise to coat the salad ingredients generously. For a lighter version, mix mayonnaise with yogurt or sour cream. Season with salt, pepper, and a splash of vinegar or lemon juice to brighten the flavors.

Final Touches:

Mix Thoroughly:

Stir everything together until well combined. The goal is to have a creamy texture with every ingredient evenly distributed.


Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour. This allows the flavors to meld together and the salad to cool thoroughly, enhancing its taste.


Garnish and Serve:

Before serving, give the salad a final stir and check for seasoning. Garnish with chopped green onions or parsley for a fresh, colorful finish. Serve chilled as a standalone dish or as a side with grilled meats or seafood.

Kitchen Equipment Needed:

  • Large pot for boiling pasta and chicken
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Chopping board and sharp knife
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Mixing spoon or spatula
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Variations of the Recipe

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is versatile and adaptable, making it easy to tweak according to your personal preferences or whatever ingredients you have on hand. Here are some popular variations that can add a new twist to the classic recipe:

Tuna Macaroni Salad:

  • Replace the chicken with canned tuna for a different protein choice. Tuna pairs well with the creamy texture of the salad and offers a robust, ocean-flavored twist.

Vegetarian Macaroni Salad:

  • Skip the meat altogether and bulk up on vegetables like peas, diced tomatoes, and bell peppers. You can also add chickpeas or beans for protein.

Hawaiian-Style Macaroni Salad:

  • Incorporate chunks of ham and pineapple for a tropical flair. The sweetness of the pineapple complements the savory elements beautifully, making it a hit at gatherings.

Macaroni Salad:

  • Add a kick by including chopped jalapeños or a dash of hot sauce. This version is great for those who appreciate a bit of heat in their dishes.

Bacon Macaroni Salad:

  • Fry some bacon until crispy and crumble it into the salad. Bacon adds a smoky depth that contrasts delightfully with the creamy and sweet components.

Cheese Lover’s Macaroni Salad:

  • Mix in cubes of cheddar or mozzarella cheese for a cheesy version of the salad. Cheese adds a nice texture and pairs well with the mild flavors of the other ingredients.

Mediterranean Macaroni Salad:

  • Swap out mayonnaise for olive oil and vinegar dressing and add olives, feta cheese, and cucumbers for a Mediterranean twist.

Keto-Friendly Macaroni Salad:

  • Use cauliflower instead of macaroni for a low-carb alternative. Cauliflower florets can mimic the texture of pasta and absorb flavors well.

Recipe Customization Tips:

Adjust the Creaminess:

You can control the creaminess of the salad by varying the amount of mayonnaise or dressing. For a lighter version, mix mayonnaise with yogurt or use a vinaigrette.

Play with Textures:

Adding different textures like nuts for crunch or grapes for a burst of juiciness can make each bite interesting.

Herbs and Spices:

Don’t shy away from experimenting with different herbs like dill, basil, or cilantro, and spices like curry powder or paprika for an exotic touch.

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Storage and Preservation

Proper storage and preservation are key to maintaining the freshness and safety of Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad, especially since it contains ingredients like mayonnaise and chicken that are prone to spoilage. Here are some guidelines to ensure your salad remains delicious and safe to eat from the moment it’s prepared to when it’s served.

Immediate Storage:

Cool Before Storing:

Allow the salad to cool to room temperature before refrigerating. Storing it while still warm can lead to condensation inside the container, which may accelerate spoilage.

Airtight Containers:

Transfer the salad to an airtight container. This will prevent it from absorbing odors from other foods in the refrigerator and also keep out moisture that could make it soggy.

Refrigerate Promptly:

Place the salad in the refrigerator within two hours of preparation to minimize the risk of bacterial growth.

Longevity Tips:

Shelf Life:

Properly stored, chicken macaroni salad can last in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Always use a clean utensil each time you serve the salad to avoid introducing bacteria into the container.

Do Not Over Mix:

When preparing the salad, mix gently to avoid crushing the ingredients, which can release excess moisture and shorten its lifespan.


Freezing is Possible but Not Ideal:

While you can freeze chicken macaroni salad, it’s important to note that the creamy texture may be affected. Mayonnaise and dairy-based dressings can separate or become grainy once thawed. If you must freeze the salad, here’s how to do it:

Freeze in an airtight container or heavy-duty freezer bags.

Label with the date and use within 2 months for best quality.

Thawing and Re-serving:

Thaw in the Refrigerator:

To use frozen salad, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight rather than at room temperature to reduce the risk of bacterial growth.

Revitalize the Texture:

After thawing, the salad may need a bit of refreshing. You can stir in a small amount of fresh mayonnaise or dressing to help restore some of the creamy texture.

Check Before Eating:

Always check the salad for signs of spoilage like an off smell or appearance before serving. When in doubt, throw it out.

Safety Tips:

Keep It Chilled:

If serving the salad at a picnic or buffet, keep it chilled on ice to prevent it from staying out at room temperature for too long.

Follow the Two-Hour Rule:

Never leave the chicken macaroni salad out at room temperature for more than two hours (one hour if the temperature is above 90°F).

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Serving Suggestions

Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is a versatile dish that can be served in various settings and paired with numerous accompaniments. Whether you’re hosting a family dinner, a holiday gathering, or simply looking for a satisfying lunch, here are some serving suggestions that will complement your salad and complete the meal:

As a Standalone Dish:

Light Lunch:

Serve the macaroni salad as a refreshing light lunch. It’s filling enough to be satisfying but light enough to not weigh you down. Add a slice of crusty bread or a few crackers for a little extra texture.

Pairing with Main Courses:

Grilled Meats:

The creamy and slightly sweet profile of the chicken macaroni salad pairs beautifully with grilled meats. Try it alongside grilled chicken, pork barbecue, or even seafood for a balanced meal.

Roasted Dishes:

Complement the flavors of roasted pork or turkey with the cool, creamy texture of the salad. It works especially well for balancing out spicy or heavily seasoned main dishes.

Fried Foods:

The salad’s creamy and refreshing taste is a perfect counterbalance to the richness of fried foods like fried chicken or fish.

At Gatherings:

Picnics and Barbecues:

Chicken macaroni salad is a picnic classic. Its ability to be prepared ahead of time and served cold makes it ideal for outdoor events.


A big bowl of this salad can be a standout dish at a community potluck, appealing to both adults and children.

Festive Celebrations:

Serve it during festive occasions like Christmas or New Year’s Eve as part of the holiday feast. Its festive appearance and delicious taste make it a popular choice.

Enhancements and Garnishes:

Garnish Options:

Sprinkle the top of your salad with chopped green onions, parsley, or even some paprika for added color and flavor just before serving.

Add Crunch:

Offer a side of potato chips, toasted nuts, or croutons for guests to sprinkle on top for an added crunch.

Serving Tips:

Keep It Cool:

If serving the salad at a buffet or outdoor setting, keep it cool by placing the serving dish in a larger bowl filled with ice. This will keep the salad fresh and safe to eat throughout the event.

Multiple Small Dishes:

Instead of one large bowl, consider serving the salad in several smaller dishes spread out over the serving area. This helps ensure that all guests have easy access to the salad without crowding one spot.

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Troubleshooting and Helpful Tips

Even the most straightforward recipes can sometimes face hurdles in the kitchen. Here are some troubleshooting tips and helpful hints to ensure your Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad turns out perfectly every time:

Common Issues and Solutions:

Salad is Too Dry:


If your salad feels too dry, the pasta may have absorbed much of the dressing. To fix this, add a little more mayonnaise or your chosen dressing and gently mix it in. Doing this right before serving ensures the salad is creamy and moist.

Overly Soggy Salad:


This usually happens if the pasta is overcooked or if too much dressing is added initially. Next time, cook the pasta until just al dente and be conservative with the dressing, adding more only if needed after the salad has chilled.

Flavors Too Mild or Bland:


Enhance the flavor by adding a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of black pepper, or a dash of vinegar or lemon juice to brighten the dish. You can also include more dynamic ingredients like chopped pickles, capers, or a bit of mustard to elevate the flavors.

Salad Tastes Too Sweet:


If the sweetness from the raisins or pineapple overwhelms the savory aspects, balance it out with extra salt or a splash of vinegar. Adding more savory elements like diced celery or onions can also help offset the sweetness.

Preparation Tips:

Ingredient Prep:

Chop all vegetables in uniform size for an even texture and distribution throughout the salad. This ensures each bite is harmoniously flavored.

Pasta Cooking Tip:

To prevent pasta from sticking together, stir it occasionally while boiling, and rinse under cold water after draining to remove excess starch.

Enhancing Creaminess:

For a richer texture, mix a tablespoon of cream or a dollop of sour cream into your mayonnaise dressing. This small addition makes the salad extra creamy and luxurious.

Refreshing Leftover Salad:

If the salad has been refrigerated for a day or more, it might need a quick refresh. Stir in a small amount of mayonnaise mixed with a little milk to bring back the creamy consistency.

Serving Tips:

Serve Cold:

Always serve your macaroni salad cold. It not only tastes better but also keeps the ingredients firm and the dressing thick and creamy.

Final Taste Check:

Always do a final taste test before serving to adjust seasoning. This last step is crucial as flavors can change slightly when chilled.


In conclusion, crafting the perfect Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is both an art and a pleasure. With its rich blend of sweet and savory flavors, coupled with a variety of textures, this dish is a beloved staple in Filipino cuisine, cherished across generations and celebrations. By following the detailed steps, embracing the variations, and utilizing the troubleshooting tips provided, you can master this delightful salad and bring a taste of the Philippines to your table. Whether it’s served at a festive gathering or as a comforting family meal, Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad is guaranteed to delight your guests and satisfy your culinary cravings. So go ahead, mix up a batch, and enjoy the flavors of this creamy, comforting, and versatile dish that is sure to be a hit at any occasion.


Chicken salad typically includes cooked, shredded or chopped chicken as the main ingredient. You'll also find mayonnaise or a creamy dressing to bind everything together. Common additions include celery for crunch, onions or scallions for a bit of sharpness, and herbs like dill or parsley for freshness. You can jazz it up with extras like grapes, nuts, or apples for a sweet and crunchy twist!
The main difference lies in the type of pasta used and the dressing. Macaroni salad usually uses elbow macaroni and has a creamy dressing, often mayo-based. Pasta salad can be made with various pasta shapes and often features a lighter, oil-based dressing, with ingredients like vinaigrette or Italian dressing. The choice of pasta and dressing greatly influences the flavor and texture of the salad.
To keep macaroni salad moist, make sure to cook the pasta until it's just al dente—overcooked pasta can become mushy and dry out faster. After cooking, rinse it under cold water to stop the cooking process and remove excess starch. The real secret is in the dressing: use a generous amount of creamy dressing and consider giving your salad a fresh dressing-up right before serving, as the pasta tends to absorb it over time.
Macaroni salad is primarily made of cooked elbow macaroni. The dressing is usually creamy, based on mayonnaise or a mixture of mayo and sour cream or yogurt. To this base, you can add various mix-ins like diced celery, onion, bell peppers, pickles, and sometimes ingredients like hard-boiled eggs or ham for extra flavor and texture. Herbs and seasonings like salt, pepper, and sometimes mustard round out the dish.
Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Pinoy Recipe Chicken Macaroni Salad

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Servings 8


  • Large pot for boiling pasta and chicken
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Chopping board and sharp knife
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Mixing spoon or spatula


  • 1 pound uncooked medium elbow macaroni
  • 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast or thigh meat
  • 1 large carrot peeled and diced
  • 1 cup ham cubed
  • 6 hard-boiled eggs peeled and coarsely chopped
  • 1 can 14 ounces crushed pineapple
  • 1 cup Eden or Velveeta Cheese cubed
  • ½ cup sweet pickle relish
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 onion peeled and diced
  • 1 ½ cups mayonnaise
  • ½ cup sweetened condensed milk
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Prepare the chicken. Start to boil the chicken by pouring 1 quart water on a cooking pot over a stove top. Apply heat and let boil. Add 1 teaspoon salt and put the chicken breasts into the pot. Cover and boil in medium heat for 22 minutes. Remove chicken from the pot. Let it cool down. Manually shred into pieces and set aside.
  • Prepare the macaroni by following package instructions. Boil 3 quarts water in a pot. Add 1 teaspoon salt. Pour the macaroni into the pot. Stir. Cover the pot and continue to boil the macaroni in medium heat for 9 minutes or until al dente. Make sure to stir every 3 minutes to prevent the macaroni from sticking to each other. Drain the water. Set macaroni aside.
  • Arrange Macaroni in a large mixing bowl. Add shredded chicken. Toss.
  • Put-in pineapple, pimiento, green bell pepper, raisins, carrot, sweet relish, and cheese. Toss until ingredients are blended.
  • Add lady’s Choice Mayonnaise and garlic powder. Gently toss until well blended.
  • Season with salt and ground black pepper.
  • Serve! Share with the family and enjoy.
Keyword Chicken Macaroni Salad, chicken, Chicken Salad

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