Copycat Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Willow Tree Chicken Salad is a beloved classic, renowned for its creamy texture and perfectly balanced flavors. Whether you’re a fan of the original or eager to whip up a batch in your kitchen, this copycat recipe promises to deliver all the delightful tastes you expect. By making your own, you not only get to tweak it to your liking but also enjoy the freshness of homemade ingredients. Read on to discover how simple it is to recreate this popular salad, including tips for making your own mayonnaise and seasoning mix to elevate the flavors even further. Let’s dive into the world of Willow Tree Chicken Salad and transform your next meal into a memorable feast!

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Table of Contents

Essential Ingredients

To recreate the authentic taste of Willow Tree Chicken Salad at home, you’ll need a specific set of ingredients. These ingredients are divided into three main categories: the chicken, the homemade mayonnaise, and the seasoning mix. Here’s a detailed breakdown to ensure you have everything ready before you start:

For the Chicken:

  • Chicken Breast: 2 pounds, boneless and skinless. Opt for fresh chicken to ensure the best flavor and texture.
  • Water: Enough to cover the chicken for boiling.
  • Salt: For seasoning the water, which helps infuse the chicken with flavor as it cooks.

For the Homemade Mayonnaise:

  • Egg Yolks: 2 large yolks, which serve as the base of the mayonnaise.
  • Lemon Juice: 1 tablespoon, freshly squeezed to add a bright, tangy flavor.
  • White Vinegar: 1 tablespoon, to enhance the tanginess of the mayonnaise.
  • Dijon Mustard: 1 teaspoon, adds depth and a slight tang.
  • Vegetable Oil: 1 cup, a neutral oil is preferred for a smooth, creamy texture.
  • Salt: A pinch, to taste.
  • Sugar: A small pinch, to balance the acidity.

For the Seasoning Mix:

  • Celery: 1 stalk, finely chopped for a subtle crunch and fresh flavor.
  • Onion Powder: 1 teaspoon, for a mild onion flavor without the texture.
  • Garlic Powder: 1/2 teaspoon, adds a warm, savory note.
  • Salt: 1/4 teaspoon, or to taste.
  • Black Pepper: 1/4 teaspoon, freshly ground for the best flavor.
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Homemade Mayonnaise Preparation

Creating your own mayonnaise is a simple process that elevates the creamy texture and fresh taste of your Willow Tree Chicken Salad. Follow these detailed steps to whip up a batch of smooth, flavorful mayonnaise:

Prepare Your Ingredients:

Before you start, ensure all ingredients are at room temperature, which helps them emulsify better. Gather your egg yolks, lemon juice, white vinegar, Dijon mustard, vegetable oil, salt, and sugar.

Mixing the Base:

In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, lemon juice, white vinegar, and Dijon mustard until well blended. The mixture should be smooth and slightly thickened. This forms the acidic base that will help stabilize the oil emulsion.

Adding the Oil:

Begin adding the vegetable oil very slowly, starting with a few drops at a time while continuously whisking. This gradual addition is crucial for preventing the mayonnaise from separating. As the mixture begins to thicken, you can start adding oil in a thin stream, but keep whisking vigorously throughout the process. A hand mixer or an immersion blender can be useful here to maintain a steady speed and ensure even mixing.

Seasoning the Mayonnaise:

Once all the oil has been incorporated and the mayonnaise is thick and creamy, whisk in the salt and a small pinch of sugar. Taste and adjust the seasoning, adding more salt or lemon juice if needed.

Achieving the Perfect Consistency:

If the mayonnaise seems too thick, you can thin it by whisking in a teaspoon of warm water. This will lighten the texture without affecting the flavor.


Homemade mayonnaise can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. Always use a clean spoon to scoop it out to avoid contamination and prolong its freshness.

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Seasoning Mix Creation

A well-crafted seasoning mix is essential to infuse your Willow Tree Chicken Salad with its signature flavor. Here’s how to prepare the seasoning mix that will spice up your salad:

Gathering Ingredients:

Start by assembling your celery, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and freshly ground black pepper. This combination provides a perfect balance of freshness, savoriness, and a hint of spice.

Preparing the Celery:

Rinse the celery stalk under cold water to remove any dirt or impurities. Finely chop the celery into small pieces to ensure it distributes evenly throughout the salad. The goal is to have a subtle crunch and freshness in every bite without overpowering the other flavors.

Mixing Dry Ingredients:

In a small bowl, combine the onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper. Mix these ingredients thoroughly to ensure a uniform distribution of flavors. The onion and garlic powders offer depth and a robust background note, while the salt and pepper enhance the overall taste profile of the salad.

Combining Celery and Seasonings:

Add the chopped celery to the bowl with your dry ingredients. Toss everything together until the celery is well-coated with the seasoning. This not only flavors the celery but also starts to marinate it slightly, softening the texture and melding the tastes.

Letting the Flavors Marry:

Allow the mixture to sit for about 5-10 minutes before adding it to the salad. This resting time helps the flavors to meld together and intensifies the overall impact of the seasoning mix when mixed with the chicken and mayonnaise.

Usage Tips:

When ready to use, fold this seasoning mix into the chicken and mayonnaise mixture gently. The aim is to distribute the seasoned celery evenly without crushing it, maintaining its crisp texture. Adjust the seasoning with additional salt and pepper if needed after tasting it with the chicken and mayonnaise.

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Cooking and Preparing the Chicken

The quality and flavor of the chicken are central to the success of your Willow Tree Chicken Salad. Here’s a detailed guide on how to perfectly cook and prepare the chicken:

Choosing the Right Chicken:

Opt for fresh, boneless, and skinless chicken breasts. These provide a clean, lean base for your salad, ensuring the flavors of your seasonings and dressing shine through.

Boiling the Chicken:

Place the chicken breasts in a large pot and cover them with water. Add a generous pinch of salt to the water, which helps season the chicken as it cooks. Bring the water to a gentle boil over medium heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer. Cover the pot and let the chicken cook for about 20-25 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked and no longer pink inside. The exact time can vary depending on the size of the chicken breasts.

Checking for Doneness:

The safest way to ensure the chicken is properly cooked is by using a meat thermometer. The internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C) when inserted into the thickest part of the breast.

Cooling and Shredding the Chicken:

Once cooked, remove the chicken from the pot and let it cool until it’s easy to handle. This prevents the chicken from becoming overly dry or tough. Shred the chicken using two forks or your fingers. The goal is to create bite-sized pieces that are easy to eat but still substantial enough to provide a satisfying texture in the salad.

Enhancing Flavor Post-Cooking:

After shredding, season the chicken lightly with a little more salt and pepper. This step helps to enhance the natural flavors of the chicken, ensuring it isn’t bland. For an added flavor boost, consider tossing the shredded chicken in a small amount of the homemade mayonnaise before combining it with the rest of the salad ingredients. This ensures every piece of chicken is flavorful and moist.

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Assembling the Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Once you have your homemade mayonnaise, seasoning mix, and chicken ready, assembling the salad is the final step. Follow these instructions to ensure your Willow Tree Chicken Salad is perfectly combined and irresistibly delicious:

Mixing the Ingredients:

In a large mixing bowl, add the shredded chicken. Spoon in the homemade mayonnaise, starting with a generous amount and adding more according to taste and desired creaminess. Sprinkle the prepared seasoning mix over the chicken and mayonnaise. This includes the finely chopped celery and the blend of onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

Gentle Folding:

Using a spatula or a large spoon, gently fold all the ingredients together. The key is to mix thoroughly without breaking the chicken pieces too much. This gentle folding ensures that every piece of chicken is evenly coated with mayonnaise and the seasoning mix is well distributed.

Tasting and Adjusting Seasonings:

After the initial mix, taste the salad to see if additional seasonings are needed. Depending on your preference, you might want to add more salt, pepper, or a pinch more of onion or garlic powder. If the salad feels too dry, add a bit more mayonnaise. If it’s too creamy, add a little more shredded chicken.

Adding Final Touches:

If you enjoy a bit of extra texture or color, consider adding some additional ingredients at this stage. Some popular add-ins include chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts, dried cranberries, or even small chunks of apple for a sweet crunch.

Chilling Before Serving:

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate the salad for at least an hour before serving. This chilling time helps the flavors meld together beautifully, enhancing the overall taste of the salad. The cold temperature also improves the texture, making it more refreshing and ideal for serving.


Serve the chicken salad on a bed of fresh greens, as a sandwich filling, or with a side of crackers. Garnish with a sprinkle of chopped parsley or dill to add a fresh, herbaceous note right before serving.

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Kitchen Tools Required

Preparing Willow Tree Chicken Salad requires some essential kitchen tools that will make the process smoother and ensure your salad turns out perfectly. Here’s a list of the necessary equipment:

Large Pot:

Needed for boiling the chicken. Choose a pot that can comfortably hold the chicken breasts with enough water to cover them completely.

Cutting Board and Sharp Knife:

These are crucial for preparing ingredients such as celery. A sharp knife ensures clean cuts, and a sturdy cutting board provides a safe cutting surface.

Mixing Bowls:

Have a set of mixing bowls on hand, including at least one large bowl for mixing the salad. Bowls of various sizes are useful for preparing and separating the ingredients before combining them.

Whisk and Spatula:

A whisk is essential for making the homemade mayonnaise, ensuring a smooth and emulsified result. A spatula is useful for folding the ingredients gently, ensuring the chicken and other elements are mixed thoroughly without crushing the tender pieces.

Measuring Cups and Spoons:

Accurate measuring tools are important for measuring out ingredients like mayonnaise, seasonings, and lemon juice. This ensures the flavors in the salad are well-balanced.

Meat Thermometer:

A meat thermometer is a reliable tool to check if the chicken is cooked to the safe internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), ensuring the chicken is perfectly cooked.

Two Forks or a Stand Mixer (for shredding chicken):

After cooking, the chicken needs to be shredded. You can use two forks to pull the meat apart, or a stand mixer with a paddle attachment to shred larger quantities of chicken more quickly and uniformly.

Fine Mesh Strainer or Colander:

This is used to drain the chicken after boiling and to rinse any fresh ingredients like celery, ensuring they are clean and ready for use.

Food Processor (optional):

If you prefer to make your mayonnaise quickly or need help chopping additional ingredients finely, a food processor can be very handy.


Essential for chilling the salad before serving, which helps meld the flavors and improves the salad’s texture.

Serving Suggestions

Willow Tree Chicken Salad is a versatile dish that pairs beautifully with a variety of sides and can be served in numerous ways. Whether you’re hosting a brunch, a picnic, or simply looking for a delightful meal, here are some ideas on how to best serve this tasty salad:

As a Sandwich:

Spread a generous layer of chicken salad on a croissant, whole wheat bread, or a soft roll. Add lettuce, slices of tomato, and crisp bacon for added texture and flavor.

With Greens:

Serve the chicken salad atop a bed of mixed greens, such as arugula, spinach, or a spring mix. Drizzle with a light vinaigrette or lemon juice to enhance the flavors.

As an Appetizer:

Scoop small portions of chicken salad onto endive leaves or serve it in mini phyllo cups. These make perfect bite-sized appetizers that are easy to eat and look elegant on a platter.

With Fresh Fruits:

Pair the chicken salad with a side of fresh fruits like sliced apples, grapes, or melon. The sweetness of the fruits complements the savory flavors of the salad beautifully.

Alongside Crackers or Breadsticks:

Serve the chicken salad with a variety of crackers or crispy breadsticks. This combination allows guests to enjoy a crunchy texture alongside the creamy salad.

Stuffed in Tomatoes or Avocados:

For a refreshing, low-carb option, hollow out tomatoes or avocados and fill them with chicken salad. This not only makes for a striking presentation but also adds a rich, creamy texture to the meal.

Tea Party Platter:

Arrange the chicken salad with mini scones, cucumber sandwiches, and pastries for a delightful tea party offering.

As a Main Dish:

Serve a larger portion as the main course, perhaps accompanied by a simple pasta salad or a potato salad. This makes for a filling, satisfying meal.

Helpful Tips and Tricks

Making Willow Tree Chicken Salad can be straightforward, but a few insider tips and tricks can elevate your salad from good to great. Here’s some advice to ensure your chicken salad is a hit every time:

Quality of Chicken:

Always opt for fresh, high-quality chicken. The taste and texture of your salad depend heavily on the chicken used, so starting with a good quality chicken breast ensures a better outcome.

Cooking the Chicken:

Avoid overcooking the chicken as it can become tough and dry. Keeping an eye on the internal temperature with a meat thermometer helps prevent this. Letting the chicken rest for a few minutes after cooking also helps retain its juices.

Seasoning While Warm:

Season the chicken while it’s still warm to enhance flavor absorption. Warm chicken takes on seasonings more effectively, resulting in a more flavorful salad.

Customize Your Mayo:

While homemade mayonnaise is recommended, feel free to adjust the seasonings in your mayo to suit your taste. Adding a little extra mustard, garlic, or even a dash of paprika can personalize your chicken salad.

Consistency of the Salad:

If you prefer a less creamy salad, reduce the amount of mayonnaise or add more chicken. Conversely, if you like it creamier, gradually increase the mayonnaise until the desired consistency is achieved.

Chilling the Salad:

Allow the chicken salad to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. This not only helps the flavors to meld together but also improves the overall texture of the salad.

Freshness of Ingredients:

Use fresh celery and herbs if possible. Their crispness and burst of flavor can significantly elevate the taste of your salad.

Serving Suggestions:

Consider the occasion and your audience when deciding how to serve your chicken salad. Whether it’s on a bed of greens, in a sandwich, or as an appetizer, presentation can make a big difference.


Store leftover chicken salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It generally keeps well for 3-4 days. Always stir it well before serving again.

Healthier Alternatives:

For a lighter version, substitute part or all of the mayonnaise with Greek yogurt or a lighter mayonnaise. This can reduce calories without compromising too much on taste.


In conclusion, mastering the art of making Willow Tree Chicken Salad at home allows you to enjoy this delightful dish with a personal touch. By following the outlined steps—from preparing your own mayonnaise to assembling the salad with the perfect balance of ingredients—you can ensure every bite is as satisfying as it is flavorful. Whether served at a casual family gathering or as a sophisticated offering at a social event, this chicken salad is sure to impress. Remember, the key to a great chicken salad lies in the quality of its ingredients and the care with which it is prepared and presented. So, don your apron, unleash your culinary creativity, and prepare to delight in the fresh, comforting flavors of your homemade Willow Tree Chicken Salad.


Willow Tree chicken salad, like most prepared chicken salads, typically stays good for about 3 to 5 days when stored properly in the refrigerator. Make sure it’s kept in a tightly sealed container to maintain freshness and prevent any cross-contamination.
Willow Tree is a brand known for its deli products, including chicken salad. Their chicken salad is particularly popular in the Northeastern U.S. and is known for its creamy texture and flavorful seasoning, often used as a spread for sandwiches or enjoyed as a standalone dish.
Yes, Willow Tree chicken salad generally contains mayonnaise, which is a dairy product. Those with dairy sensitivities or allergies should check the specific product labels or consider a dairy-free alternative when making chicken salad at home.
Making chicken salad is quite simple. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:Ingredients: 2 cups cooked, shredded chicken; 1/2 cup mayonnaise; 1/4 cup finely chopped celery; 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion; 1 tablespoon lemon juice; salt and pepper to taste. Instructions: In a mixing bowl, combine the shredded chicken with mayonnaise, celery, red onion, and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper according to your taste preferences. Mix everything thoroughly until well combined. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving to let the flavors meld together.
Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Willow Tree Chicken Salad Recipe

Craving a delicious twist on a classic? Try our easy Willow Tree Chicken Salad recipe! Perfect for a quick lunch or a picnic delight. Click to discover how simple and tasty it can be
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4


For the Chicken:

  • 2 pounds, boneless and skinless. Opt for fresh chicken to ensure the best flavor and texture.
  • Enough to cover the chicken for boiling.
  • For seasoning the water, which helps infuse the chicken with flavor as it cooks.

For the Homemade Mayonnaise:

  • Egg Yolks: 2 large yolks, which serve as the base of the mayonnaise.
  • Lemon Juice: 1 tablespoon, freshly squeezed to add a bright, tangy flavor.
  • White Vinegar: 1 tablespoon, to enhance the tanginess of the mayonnaise.
  • Dijon Mustard: 1 teaspoon, adds depth and a slight tang.
  • Vegetable Oil: 1 cup, a neutral oil is preferred for a smooth, creamy texture.
  • Salt: A pinch, to taste.
  • Sugar: A small pinch, to balance the acidity.

For the Seasoning Mix:

  • Celery: 1 stalk, finely chopped for a subtle crunch and fresh flavor.
  • Onion Powder: 1 teaspoon, for a mild onion flavor without the texture.
  • Garlic Powder: 1/2 teaspoon, adds a warm, savory note.
  • Salt: 1/4 teaspoon, or to taste.
  • Black Pepper: 1/4 teaspoon, freshly ground for the best flavor.
Keyword chicken, Chicken Salad

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